Tracy Morgan

A man who attended Tracy Morgan's recent show in Nashville claims the comedian launched an anti-gay tirade during which he said he'd "pull out a knife and stab" his son if he were gay.
In a Facebook post titled "Why I No Longer 'Like' Tracy Morgan -- A Must Read," Kevin Rogers wrote that he'd been a big fan of Morgan's since he was a cast member on Saturday Night Live. Rogers, who is gay, wrote that he was prepared for "a good ribbing of straight gay humor" but was surprised at what he claims the 30 Rock star said onstage.
"I have very thick skin when it comes to humor; I can dish and I can take," Rogers wrote. "What I can't take is when Mr. Morgan took it upon himself to mention about how he feels all this gay shit was crazy and that women are a gift from God and that 'Born this Way' is bulls-it, gay is a choice, and the reason he knows this is exactly because 'God don't make no mistakes' (referring to God not making someone gay cause that would be a mistake).  He said that there is no way a woman could love and have sexual desire for another woman, that's just a woman pretending because she hates a f--king man.  He took time to visit the bullshit of this bullying stuff and informed us that the gays needed to quit being pussies and not be whining about something as insignificant as bullying."
Morgan allegedly added that "gay was something kids learn from the media and programming" (Rogers' words).
Continued Rogers: "He said if his son that was gay he better come home and talk to him like a man and not [he mimicked a gay, high pitched voice] or he would pull out a knife and stab that little N (one word I refuse to use) to death. ...  Tracy then said he didn't f--king care if he pissed off some gays, because if they can take a f--king d-ck up their a--... they can take a f--king joke."
Rogers claims that "none of this rant was a joke. His entire demeanor changed during that portion of the night.  He was truly filled with some hate towards us."
He added that about 10-15 people walked out of the Ryman Auditorium, but he forced himself to stay put because "I knew if I got up ... he won. He wanted to piss people off and get a rise. ... I'm not angry ... just very very, very disappointed."
Rogers put his Facebook post up Friday night, after the show, but it seems news began spreading after Truth Wins Out, a nonprofit organization that fight "anti-LGBT religious extremism," posted it on their own website several days later and other outlets began to pick it up.
A rep for Ryman Auditorim tells The Hollywood Reporter in a statement: "The Ryman Auditorium regrets that people were offended by statements made by Tracy Morgan during his June 3 appearance.  The Ryman does not control the content presented by people appearing on its stage, nor does it endorse any of the views of, or statements made by, such persons.”
Truth Wins Out director of social media Evan Hurst is calling on Morgan to address the allegations.
“Tracy Morgan needs to respond to these allegations," he wrote on the group's website. "Comedians have long pushed the envelope in tackling controversial subjects. Indeed, it’s part of their job description, and good comedians are able to do this and keep everybody laughing at the same time. However, abject hatred directed at vulnerable kids is not comedy, by anyone’s definition. If these reports are true, we expect a full explanation and apology.”
It wouldn't be the first time Morgan has drawn fire for his comments. In January, TNT issued an apology after Morgan said on a live Inside the NBA broadcast Sarah Palin is "good masturbation material."
Other targets have included Charlie Sheen, whom Morgan called an "a--hole" whose "kids are going to suffer and don't even know it because this is a cycle of abuse." PHOTOS: Charlie Sheen's most controversial moments
And at a New York show two years ago, Morgan reportedly made a comment that being gay is a "choice," prompting several people to walk out, according to the Advocate.
Meanwhile, "Tracy Morgan" became a trending topic on Twitter on Thursday night and into Friday morning as news of the post spread. Most people took a decidedly anti-Morgan stance. Some sample tweets:
-- "Dear Tracy Morgan, @CharlieSheen was fired for his off set behavior and the same rule should apply to you! At least people watch his sitcom!" -- Ryan Schwartz
-- "Wow....I feel so bad for his son!" -- Tracey Marvin
-- "Tracy Morgan should know calling a hate filled bigoted tirade a "joke" doesn't make it OK. I'd be fine if @NotTinaFey fires him." -- Jay
-- "I cannot STAND Tracy Morgan, but if he said all this mess, he's an ever bigger douche than I thought" -- HSofia
-- "Re: Tracy Morgan: it's not a fucking choice. Did you choose to be black!!! DID YOU!??? Oh wait I am SMART enough to know that's not possible" -- Seth Fox
-- "LOL. That sound you Tracy Morgan's career going down the toilet." -- Sage Ashford
-- "aw tracy morgan i liked you :\" -- Jongho
-- "Tracy Morgan can F himself. You're not funny, you're disgusting." -- Arielle B
-- "Tracy Morgan's publicist must have aged 10 years tonight." -- Jamila S
-- "wow people are so fast to boycott things. I'm not going to stop watching 30 Rock just because Tracy Morgan is an idiot" -- Justin
-- "Tracy Morgan ..... Michael Richards in "Ruined" coming to theater near you! The best bigoted buddy movie of 2012" -- P---y Whisperer
-- "What Tracy Morgan said was disgusting, vile & disrespectful to the LGBT community, & also to his family." -- Monster Quira
-- "Tracy Morgan sounds best when Tiny Fey is the one putting words in his mouth." -- Anne Toth
-- "Tracy Morgan should be ashamed of himself. His homophobic tirade is disgusting and I have forever lost respect for this man... sick!" -- Joey Parker

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