Dungeon Siege 3

Dungeon Siege 3 will arrive for PS3, Xbox 360, PC and OnLive on June 17 (Europe) and June 21 (North America), recently the game’s demo hit Xbox Live and Alexander Nachaj over at XboxFreedom.com has been playing it a lot since it arrived, he recently published a hands on review which can be read here.
His hands on is accompanied by lots of screenshots, in our article we will highlight some of the main points raised, however check out the link in the first paragraph for more details.
In the demo you get to play both single player and cooperatively, the demo allows you to play as two of the game’s four characters these are Lucas and Archon, both of which have lots of abilities to learn and equipment to carry, they also boast two separate fight stances to allow access to difference equipment and abilities. Alexander seemed very impressed by the depth of character and how much they differed from eachother.
During co-op play Alexander said that at times there was not enough action to go around, whether this will be different in the proper game is unknown, however it is slightly worrying, perhaps increasing the difficulty level will help out this minor issue.
In terms of development and story line the demo is said to be solid, on the whole there has been plenty of attention to detail and the dynamic maps show this, also the game’s music is suitable throughout. Some minor criticisms include the sometimes poor voice acting and the linearity of the maps is quite limited, surely RPGs should let you take whichever path you want rather than walk along a limited mapped-out route?
XboxFreedom’s hands-on sums thing up by saying the demo was a blast to play and should be worth waiting for, have you played the demo? If so, do you think it as good as Alexander made it sound?

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